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Reyburn Intermediate

Part of the Clovis Unified School District


What is Athletic Eligibility?

Athletic Eligibility determines whether or not a student is eligible to legally participate in an athletic team and sport. Please see requirements below. 

  • To reflect the Board’s desire that interscholastic athletics, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities supplement, and not detract from, the academic achievement of District students, each program or activity for students in grades 7-12 shall include the following academic standards:


    Grade Point Average Requirement

    • All students must earn at least a 2.0 grade point average for the prior grading period in order to participate during the current grading period. A student who fails to achieve at least a 2.0 grade point average may be placed on probation for the current grading period provided the student complies with the school’s tutorial assistance program. A student who does not achieve at least a 2.0 grade point average during the probationary period shall not be allowed to participate in extra-curricular or co-curricular activities in the subsequent grading period.
    • Grades earned during the six-week spring grading period of the eighth grade must be used to determine probation/eligibility for the first six-week fall grading period of the ninth grade.

    Students ruled ineligible:

    1. May practice with the team with approval by school administration after consulting with the coach; and
    2. The student must attend the weekly study table;
    3. The student will not be released early from class for games, practices, events;
    4. The student will not be allowed to dress out to participate.
    5. Students placed on probation as used herein must:
    6. Attend the weekly study table
    7. Request from the student’s teachers a progress report every two weeks, and circulate the progress reports to the advisor or coach of each student club, extra- curricular or co-curricular program or activity in which the student is participating. The report must show a passing grade for all classes and a minimum 2.0 grade point average to continue to participate, and to proceed with the subsequent two-week probationary period.

    Transfer Students

    • A transfer student is subject to all the conditions of the grade point average requirement.
    • A student that does not pass at least twenty (20) units for high school, or four (4) classes for intermediate/middle school, during each semester grading period will be ineligible for the following grading period. There is no probationary period for such a student.
    • Example of Regulation’s Application: Student A attends a District middle school and is enrolled in six (6) classes in the spring grading period. Student A receives three (3) F’s for the grading period. Because Student A did not pass at least four (4) classes, Student A is ineligible to participate in extra-curricular and co-curricular activities for the following six-week grading period. Under these circumstances, Student A is not entitled to a probationary period.

    Progress Toward Graduation Requirement

    • All students who participate in a co-curricular or extra-curricular activity must maintain a grade point average for all classes and minimum progress toward high school graduation that demonstrates satisfactory coursework. Each school site is directed to develop a plan to provide monitoring and assistance to individual students in order to satisfy these standards.
    • The following number of accumulated units toward high school graduation will be the standard for minimum achievement for students in grades 9-12:

       Grade / Semester

      6 Period day 

      8 Period Day 

      Sophomore - Fall

      55 Units 

      75 Units 

      Sophomore - Spring

      80 Units 

      105 Units

      Junior - Fall

      110 Units 

      145 Units 

      Junior - Fall

      165 Units 

      180 Units 

      Senior - Fall

      165 Units 

      220 Units 

      Senior - Spring 

      195 Units 

      260 Units 


    Probationary Periods

    A current student in grades 9-12 who does not accumulate the required number of units toward high school graduation may be placed on probation for the current semester if the following conditions are met:

    1. A written plan of coursework for the student to catch up on credits within the semester currently attending is developed. The plan is to be submitted to the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services or designee;
    2. The student must attend the weekly study table;
    3. The student may be required to circulate a progress report every two weeks to the advisor or coach of each student club, extra-curricular or co-curricular program or activity in which the student is participating. The report must show passing grades in all classes and a minimum 2.0 grade point average to continue to participate, and to proceed with the subsequent two-week probationary period;
    4. This can be used only one time in the four years of high school. Appeals for extenuating circumstances will be heard by the Superintendent’s designee.

    A student who does not achieve the necessary number of units by the end of the probationary semester shall not be allowed to participate in extra-curricular and co- curricular activities in the following semester. For students transitioning between six- period days and right-period days, the number of credits accumulated by the student for purposes of graduation may need to be individually calculated.

    If a transfer student is below the standards for accumulated units towards high school graduation, a school can implement a probationary period if the following conditions are met:

    1. A written plan of coursework for the student to catch up on credits within twelve months (or the graduation ceremony for a senior) is developed. The plan is to be submitted to the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services or designee;
    2. The student must attend the weekly study table;
    3. The student may be required to circulate a progress report every two weeks to the advisor or coach of each student club, extra-curricular or co-curricular program or activity in which the student is participating. The report must show passing grades in all classes and a minimum 2.0 grade point average to continue to participate, and to proceed with the subsequent two week probationary period.

    A student who does not achieve the necessary number of units by the end of the probationary 12 months shall not be allowed to participate in extra-curricular and co- curricular activities in the following semester. For students transitioning between six- period days and eight-period days, the number of credits accumulated by the student for purposes of graduation may need to be individually calculated.

    1. Written Notification of Probation or Ineligible Status: The school will provide written notification to the student’s parent/guardian when a student is placed on 7-12 probation or becomes ineligible for co-curricular and/or extra- curricular participation.
    2. Tutorial Assistance Program for Probationary Students: The school site program must include a minimum of two hours of tutorial assistance at the intermediate school level and three hours at the high school level per week. Progress checks and parent communication should be included on a regular basis.
    3. Summer School: Summer school grades may be combined with the grades of the last six-week grading period in computing the grade point average to determine eligibility for the first six-week grading period of the next school year.
    4. End of Grading Period/Semester: A school must declare all of its students eligible, ineligible, or on probation on the same day following the close of the previous grading period. This date should be set to allow for accuracy in the issuance of grades and the
      determination of grade point averages. The day used will be the 2nd Monday following the grading period.
  • Residential and Transfer Eligibility for interscholastic athletic, intermedia (grades 7-8) and high school (grades 9-12) students:


    The following regulations govern District students’ residential, intradistrict and interdistrict transfer eligibilities for participation in District interscholastic athletics.

    • “Residential eligibility” governs and determines at which District area school a student has obtained eligibility to participate in interscholastic athletics.
    • “Interdistrict transfer eligibility” governs whether a student is eligible to participate in interscholastic athletics following a transfer from a non-District school into a District school.
    • “Intradistrict transfer eligibility” governs and determines whether a student is eligible to participate in interscholastic athletics following a transfer from one District school to another District school, whether through the District’s Open Enrollment process or other method of intradistrict transfer.
    • Authorization or approval by the District of a student’s interdistrict transfer, intradistrict transfer, or open enrollment transfer does not result in the student obtaining interdistrict or intradistrict transfer eligibility for District interscholastic athletics. Following a student’s interdistrict or intradistrict transfer into a District school, the determination of the student’s interdistrict or intradistrict transfer eligibility for interscholastic athletics will be based upon the requirements, standards and guidelines set forth herein.

    Residential Eligibility

    • “Residential eligibility” determines what District school student is eligible to attend based on the attendance area in which the student resides. Correspondingly, “residential eligibility” determines, in the first instance, the District school at which a student is generally eligible to participate in interscholastic athletics during the seventh through twelfth grade years.
    • A student’s area of attendance is established by the District elementary school they are attending during the second semester of their sixth grade school year. Upon entering the seventh grade of the aligned intermediate school, the student has initial enrollment.
    • A student who has a valid full family move into an attendance area of the District in the seventh grade would also have initial enrollment.
    • When a student transfers from a school not associated with the District, he or she will be considered an interdistrict transfer (i.e., transfers into a District school from a home school, private school or other public school). A student on an interdistrict transfer who lives in the District’s boundaries will be given residential eligibility based on their neighborhood school. If the student wants to attend a school outside their neighborhood school, the student must comply with the intradistrict transfer policy and related interscholastic eligibility limits.
    • When a student transfers within the District to another District school by either open enrollment or other intradistrict transfer, they will be considered a transfer student and will be subject to the intradistrict transfer policy and related interscholastic eligibility limits.
    • Example of Regulation’s Application: If a student transfers/enrolls into the District from a private school, and lives in District School A’s attendance boundary area, the student may be granted eligibility for participation in School A’s interscholastic sports. If the same student desires to attend District school B, outside his attendance area, then the student must follow the District’s intradistrict policy and will generally be ineligible for participation in School B’s interscholastic sports for 365 days.
  • For purposes of determining interdistrict transfer eligibility for District interscholastic sports, the District adopts and follows the standards in California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) and CIF Central Section Bylaw 207. Interdistrict Transfer Eligibility (Grades 7 and 8) The following provisions apply to any student who transfers from a school not associated with the District into the District during the student’s seventh or eighth grade years. (Refer to CIF Central Section Bylaw 207.)

    1. A student may have interdistrict transfer eligibility provided the student moves from any non-District school to a District school due to:
      1. A valid change of residence (Full Family Move) (Refer to CIF Central Section Bylaw 206); OR
      2. A ruling by the Governing Board of a school district that has two or more high schools mandating a change of school attendance boundaries affecting an individual student or group of students provided the change of schools is not the
        result of a disciplinary action; OR
      3. family decision to transfer the student during their seventh or eighth grade year and the following conditions are met:
        • This is the first transfer of this student since his/her initial enrollment in the eventh or eighth grade; AND
        • The student is not transferring as a result of a disciplinary situation (see also CIF Bylaw 209); AND
        • The student was scholastically and otherwise eligible at the former school immediately prior to the transfer; AND
        • There is no evidence that the transfer, in whole or part, is athletically motivated (See also CIF Bylaw 510.B); AND
        • The CIF Form 510 Pre-Enrollment Contact Affidavit is completed verifying that there is no evidence of the use of undue influence (recruiting) by anyone associated with either school; AND
        • The CIF Form 207 Athletic Transfer Eligibility Application and CIF Form 510 Pre-Enrollment Contact Affidavit have been approved by the District; HOWEVER,
        • No student shall be eligible to participate in the same sport at two different schools in the same school year unless the student changed schools as a result of a valid change of residence by the student and his/her
          parents/guardians/caregiver. In the event of a change of schools due to a valid change of residence, a student will be allowed to participate in the same sport at two different schools not to exceed, in total, the maximum
          number of contests in that sport as established by the District. 
      4. Example of Regulation’s Application: Student A transfers into the District by way of an interdistrict transfer in the seventh grade. Student may have unrestricted eligibility if they have met all the criteria in (3)(a)-(g) above. If the student desires to transfer to another District school at any time after their initial enrollment, then they must follow the intradistrict policy and related interscholastic eligibility limits.

    If a student does not qualify

    If a student does not qualify for interdistrict transfer eligibility under the above standards, the student may seek a hardship waiver of their ineligibility as set forth in E.7. of this regulation. 

    All intermediate school students (grades 7-8) transferring on an interdistrict transfer into the District who intend to apply for athletic eligibility must fill out a District forms 207, 510 and Waiver to Practice. These forms are accessible at the new school’s athletic office. Any student, seventh through eighth grade, and/or the student’s parent/guardian should submit the completed forms to the athletic director at the student’s new school.

    After reviewing the completed Forms 207 and 510, the Superintendent’s designee will determine whether or not an intermediate  school student has athletic eligibility upon the student’s interdistrict transfer into the District. The Superintendent’s designee will use the transfer guidelines under AR 2505 E.2 as a criteria for and guidance for determining eligibility.

    Interdistrict Transfer Eligibility (grades 9-12)

    The following provisions apply to any student who transfers from a school not associated with the District into the District during the student’s ninth through twelfth grades. All criteria is established by CIF Bylaw 207 and all decisions regarding interdistrict transfers will be decided by CIF after reviewed by Superintendent’s designee. (Refer to CIF Bylaw 207) 

  • The 365-day ineligibility includes foreign exchange students, foreign students, and any student who has transferred from a school not associated with the District and from another district without the student’s parents/guardians/caregiver with whom the student lived with when he/she established residential eligibility, even though a new legal guardian or caregiver is appointed who themselves have been a resident of the District attendance area for more than 365 days. If a foreign exchange student can prove he/she has never previously participated in a specific or related sport or competitive extracurricular activity, said student may apply for a waiver of restricted eligibility in sports that they have not participated in prior to coming to the United States. In sports in which they have participated, they become ineligible for one (1) calendar year.

    All high school students (grades 9 through 12) transferring into the District on an interdistrict transfer who intend to apply for athletic eligibility must fill out an Athletic Transfer Eligibility Application, CIF Form 207 and Pre-enrollment Contact Affidavit, CIF Form 510 and Waiver to Practice form. These forms are accessible at the new school’s athletic office. Any student (grades 9 through 12) and/or the student’s parent/guardian should submit the completed forms to the athletic director at the student’s new school.

    All forms will be sent to CIF, and CIF will determine the eligibility of the student transferring.  Any appeals will be directly referred to CIF

    • A student may have restricted athletic eligibility, regardless of the above limitations, provided that the student can demonstrate a hardship as defined by CIF Bylaw 207 or AR 2505 E.4.a. All students in grades 9-12 would still need approval from CIF prior to granting any eligibility.
    • All intermediate school students (grades 7-8) transferring to a school outside their attendance area on an intradistrict transfer or an open enrollment transfer who intend to apply for athletic eligibility must fill out District Forms 207, 510 and Waiver to Practice. These forms are accessible at the new school’s athletic office. Any student in grades 7-8 and/or the student’s parent/guardian should submit the completed forms to the athletic director at the student’s new school.
    • After reviewing the intermediate school student’s completed Forms 207, 510 and Waiver
      to Practice, the Superintendent’s designee will determine whether the intermediate school student has athletic eligibility upon the student’s intradistrict or open enrollment transfer. CIF Central Section Bylaw 207 and AR 2505 E.4, and the guidance provided by name, will be used to determine eligibility. Intermediate school students denied eligibility under this section by the Superintendent’s designee may appeal the designee’s determination consistent with section E.9 of this regulation.
    1. Hardship and Restricted and Unrestricted Eligibility Waivers: A student can obtain transfer eligibility under this regulation if he/she qualifies for an ineligibility hardship waiver. An ineligibility hardship waiver may allow a student unrestricted or restricted eligibility for participation in District interscholastic athletics in grades 7-8 and may be granted up to restricted eligibility for intradistrict transfers as defined by E.4.a for grades 9-12 upon approval from CIF. In order for students in grades 9-12 to gain unrestricted eligibility they must meet CIF Bylaw 207’s definition of a hardship.
    2. Hardship Waivers: To qualify for a hardship waiver of ineligibility for interscholastic athletics, the transfer student must be able to demonstrate that a hardship caused the student to be ineligible. A hardship is defined as an unforeseeable, unavoidable, and uncorrectable act, condition, or event, which causes the imposition of a severe non-athletic burden, upon the student or his/her family. The District incorporates by reference and refers to CIF Central Section Bylaw 207’s definition of a hardship, interpretation of a hardship, and guidance on hardship waivers under Bylaw 207, inclusive, for purposes of the District’s Hardship Waiver process.
    3. Restricted Eligibility Waivers: When a student transfers from school A to school B without the student’s  parent/guardian/caregiver moving into the new school attendance area and the student can prove a hardship as defined in AR 2505 E.4, the student may receive restricted eligibility at school B. Restricted eligibility is defined as athletic
      competition except varsity level competition in sports in which the student has participated in any level of interscholastic competition during the twelve (12) calendar months preceding the date of such transfer.

    If a foreign exchange student can prove he/she has never previously participated in a specific or related sport or competitive extracurricular activity, said student may apply for a waiver of restricted eligibility in sports that they have not participated in prior to coming to the United States. In sports in which they have participated, they become ineligible for one (1) calendar year.

    At a new school, where the school does not have a varsity level team, a transfer student or foreign exchange student may apply for restricted eligibility in sports even where the transfer or foreign exchange student has participated previously in varsity level competition for those sports, and may be granted restricted eligibility provided all other eligibility requirements/conditions are met.

  • Time Frame: Under this regulation, parents and student athletes should allow up to twenty (20) school days from the time all completed and appropriate paperwork is received by the Athletic Director at the student athlete’s new school.
    Appeals of Interdistrict Transfers Eligibility Determinations (7-8) and Intradistrict or Open Enrollment Transfer Eligibility Determinations (7-12)

    • Intermediate school students (grades 7-8) who have been found ineligible for interscholastic athletics following an interdistrict transfer by the Superintendent’s designee, as well as intermediate and high school students (grades 7-12) who have been found ineligible for interscholastic athletics following an intradistrict or open enrollment transfer by the Superintendent’s designee, may appeal the Superintendent’s designee’s decision as set forth herein to the District’s Athletic Committee. (Interdistrict transfer eligibility for grades 9-12 students and appeals in relation to same are determined entirely by CIF)
    • The student may appeal the decision, in writing, describing why he/she is appealing and how it complies with the requirements and conditions of CIF and CIF Central Section Bylaw 207 and AR 2505. All documents must be delivered to the new school’s Athletic Director.
    • The Athletic Director will submit the information received from the student to the District’s Athletic Committee and present the case; OR
    • The student may request the opportunity to present their case directly to the District’s Athletic Committee in a closed meeting. If the student does not request the opportunity to be heard by the District’s Athletic Committee, he/she waives their right to such an opportunity. If the student requests an opportunity to be heard by the District’s Athletic Committee, he/she will be given fifteen (15) minutes to present the appeal to the Committee. The District may have legal representation at the Committee meeting, if necessary, to present other information regarding the student’s eligibility appeal. The District will be given fifteen (15) minutes to present to the Committee relevant information regarding the student’s athletic eligibility and appeal, if necessary. Once the appeal is presented, both parties will be asked to leave the room while the Committee deliberates. The Committee will reconvene and disclose its decision.

    All athletic eligibility and hardship waiver decisions by the Committee are final, binding, and not subject to further appeals with the District. The student will be notified of the decision from the A.D. of the school attending and the ruling will be forwarded to the CIF Central Section Commissioner.

    • The District’s Athletic Committee will be assigned by the Superintendent or designee to hear intermediate and high school (7-12) intradistrict and open enrollment transfer eligibility appeals and intermediate school (7-8) interdistrict transfer athletic eligibility appeals. The District’s Athletic Committee will be composed of all intermediate and high school Athletic Directors. In no instance shall the Athletic Director of the student’s old or new school participate as a member of the Committee on a student’s transfer eligibility appeal. However, the Athletic Director of the student’s old and/or new school or other appropriate parties may present evidence or information to the District’s Athletic Committee in order for the Committee to make an informed decision on the student’s appeal, and the Athletic Director of the student’s old and/or new school may advocate to the Committee regarding whether the Committee should or should not grant the student’s transfer eligibility appeal.
    • Upon the majority vote of a quorum of members present, the District’s Athletic Committee may overturn the Superintendent’s designee’s decision and grant the student’s appeal. 
    • Because the information utilized and discussed by the District’s Athletic Committee regarding transfer eligibility appeals includes confidential student information, all transfer eligibility appeals and Committee deliberations will be held in closed session.
    • Following a meeting by the District’s Athletic Committee to determine a student’s transfer eligibility appeal, the Athletic Director of the student’s new school will inform the student in writing, within a reasonable period of time, of the Committee’s decision on the student’s athletic transfer eligibility appeal.
    • Valid Residence and Valid Residence Changes 

    A student may have athletic eligibility under this regulation when he/she establishes that a valid full family move took place. Athletic eligibility based upon a valid full family move is distinct from athletic eligibility based upon a waiver of ineligibility because of hardship.

  • Pursuant to CIF and CIF Central Section Bylaw 206, a valid residence is that location where the student’s parents/guardians/caregiver with whom the student lived when he/she established eligibility, live with the student and, as a result, use and enjoy that location. A student (with the student’s parents/guardians/caregiver or immediate family with whom eligibility has been established) may only have one valid residence at a time.


    Valid Change of Residence: Determination of what constitutes a valid change of residence depends upon the facts in each case;  however, to be considered, the following facts must exist (Refer to CIF Central Section Bylaw 206):

    1. The original residence must be abandoned and vacated as a residence by the immediate family, AND
    2. The student’s entire immediate family must make the change and take with them all household goods and furniture appropriate to the circumstances. For eligibility purposes, a family unit may not maintain two or more residences; AND
    3. The change of residence must be genuine, without fraud or deceit, and with permanent intent.
    4. Multiple Changes in Residence

    A student whose family makes a valid move into a new attendance area may be immediately residentially eligible for varsity competition. A subsequent move into a different attendance area by the family (or other family members) during that same school year will result in the student being declared ineligible until cleared for competition by the District’s Athletic Committee.

    Proving Valid Change of Residence

    Evidence must be submitted that a valid change of residence has occurred. Evidence will include all of the following that are appropriate for the situation:

    1. Operative telephone and utility service at the student’s new residence and terminated at the former residence;
      1. Activation of bill at new address
      2. Cancellation date of bill at former address
        1. Proof of paying for utilities at the new residence including phone, gas, electricity, water, cable television and garbage collection;
          1. Activation of bill at new address
          2. Cancellation date of bill at former address
            • Bank statement indicating current and former addresses of new residence.
            • Credit card statement indicating current and former addresses of new resident;
            • Proof of submitting a change of address to the U.S. Postal Service to receive mail at the new residence;
            • Proof of transfer of the parent’s/guardian’s and age-appropriate student’s motor vehicle registration;
            • Proof of changed address on the parent’s/guardian’s and age-appropriate student driver’s license;
            • Voter registration listing the new address;
            • Real estate documents indicting and verifying a change of residence (sale and purchase, for instance);
          3. Proof of entering into a long-term lease
          4. Court documents indicating a change of residence
          5. Property tax receipts
          6. Rent payment receipts
            1. Declaration of residency executed by the student’s parent/guardian; or
            2. Other documentation that a Section or school district may require that establishes that a person is living at the new address. 

    The Athletic Director or other District personnel will visit and may revisit the residence to determine that the family is residing in the new residence.

    The Athletic Director or other District personnel will visit the previous residence to determine that it has been abandoned and vacated.

    A decision will be rendered once all completed forms have been turned in to the Athletic Director at the student’s new school site. Parents/Guardians and students should allow up to twenty (20) school days for this process to be completed.


Steve France 


Jeanette Garcia