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Reyburn Intermediate

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Counseling Resources


Library Resources


To find out more about ALL the resources in the Library, Click this link here.

Additional information Click this link here.



Volunteer Opportunities


Volunteering one's time for a good cause can bring many personal benefits, as well as scholarship opportunities.  Many students want to volunteer but are not sure how to go about doing so.  If you are volunteering for the sole reason of getting yourself into college, that is probably not the best reason.  If you are doing this because you believe in the organization's cause and you want to expand your own life experience, then it is a good idea to participate.  Colleges like to see prospective students who have participated in community service, but they also want to see how it has affected them personally. In other words, how has this experience changed your life and has it made you a better person? 


If that is something you would like to pursue, (without jeopardizing your academics), click on the link for "Volunteer List" on the bottom of this page.  Clovis East High School does not require community service as a graduation requirement.  This is something you are choosing to do for yourself.

Parent Connect login page with an entry for PIN and a password.

Parent Connection gives you the ability to view school news, attendance, schedules, assignments (for classes where "Q" (Zangle) grade book is used), grades, transcript history, testing information, and cafeteria purchases throughout the school year.  Your Parent Connection account will be available from July 15, 2019, through June 30, 2020.  

Click this link here. to view a video walk-through of the information update process.







If you need your Parent Connect login information, it can be emailed to you.  From the Parent Connection login screen, click on "Need Your Log in Information?"  Enter your email (you must have an email on file) and select submit. The PIN number and password will be emailed.  For additional assistance, Click this link here for a quick help video.